Thursday, May 16, 2013


I didn't end up going to the movies this week.  This was because the only thing that came out of any note was 'The Great Gatsby.'  It didn't seem like an entertaining idea to watch a movie about a book I was forced to read in high school. 

Whenever I think Tobey Maguire, I will think of the '18 going on 34 year old' Spider-man.  This doesn't help when he's doing his best at another dramatic role. 

I find Leonardo tolerable whenever he is around actors that are decent or that I enjoy watching their movies, for example, Christoph Waltz.  Which, obviously, leads to 'Django Unchained.'  That was an entertaining movie.  Although, I did see way too much of Jamie Foxx.  The kind of parts you don't need to see on another man, unless you're into that sort of thing.  I'm not and I'm going to leave the matter at that.  I do think that there needs to be someone with Quentin Tarantino to tell him to knock it off. Quasi-Australian miners, really...?   The southern accent being one of the easiest accents to do if you're from the United States.
Now I'm just annoyed.

Till next time...

Monday, May 13, 2013

I realized something when I went to see 'Ironman 3.'  I go to the movies a lot.  Well, a lot for some people.  The reason I realized this is because of someone that works at the theater i go to once a week.  To protect the not so innocent, I'll call him Eddie.

The reason Eddie made me think of being at the movies way too much is because of the stuff he does and the stuff he says.

When 'Fast Five' ended, he said "Filmed entirely on location in Rio de Janeiro."  in his best radio voice.  I commented to my friend that "the giant Jesus statue sure didn't give that away."  It became a running gag
from then on.  One of us will say, "Filmed entirely on location in (fill in the blank)."  It's especially funny when we see something along the lines of 'The Hobbit' or 'Prometheus.'

Something else Eddie does is announce whether there will be something at the end or not.  This is what he did while my friend and I were waiting to see Ironman.  This time was annoying because there's something at the end of all the Avengers-related movies.  The rest of the time it's simply eyeroll worthy.

Most of the time he is benignly annoying, but there was one time he got under my skin.  It was when i went to see 'Looper' for the first time.  The end is very intense and needs a moment to settle.  The screen cuts to black, no music, and the credits start.  First thing I hear is him saying 'It's just a movie'  First off, no $#!t and secondly shut up!  this is slightly hypocritical on my part.  I will talk through a movie, but it will be with Ahhnold trying to pronounce California.

Anyway, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'll say Eddie is Eddie.  I kind of think he missed his calling working for the Disney tour boat ride.  I am not trying to be mean with that comment,  but his personality seems to fit there. 

That being said, till next time...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lithping Thtar Warth

May the fourth be with you!  Today is a holiday for Jedis and for people who are glad May the third is over.  My mind boggles a little bit at the cultural impact a film student with no chin had.  Whether people love it or hate or love to hate it or hate to love or that very special love/hate relationship only nerds seem to have, Star Wars has entered the cultural zeitgeist.  (look at me and my philisophical z-bomb)  Anywho...

My thoughts, well, many come to mind on this subject. For example, the original trilogy was better written.  The prequel trilogy had better effects.  I mean, if Jar-jar hadn't been so bloody annoying, he could have gone head to head with Gollum.  The original trilogy had better effects for what they had.  Who gives a crap about midi-chlorians?  I am excited about a sequel trilogy, with Disney at the helm it couldn't be any worse.  Fanboys (2009) was great and a definite watch for a Star Wars enthusiast such as myself.  Han shot first.  Anyone named Greedo needs to get shot.  Parsecs is a measure of distance in this galaxy at this time.  It sure as hell is a trap.  Darth Stewie is hilarious.  Doctor Who crashing into the Millennium Falcon would be interesting.  Why was Lando wearing Han's clothes at the end of 'Empire Strikes Back'?  I wonder if Leia knew she was kissing her brother, maybe...

Just a few thoughts, anyway, just to stir up the fanboys and voice my opinion.

till next time...